Social Media and Depression

Often I get call from distressed parents specially mothers that their children particularly those in late teens seem to be depressed. I received such a call from a mother of eighteen year old girl fifteen days back who as per the mother was depressed, her school performance was deteriorating and she was withdrawn and irritated. The mother requested help and wanted to know why it was happening to her daughter.

My first response to such call as always was "will you please explain what she is going through as depression is clinical diagnosis" and the second " was there something she is doing too" I meantshe was not studying, not meeting friends, not speaking to family ,was there something she was doing too ?
To the first question the lady explained that her daughter seems to be low most of the time, she is not into dancing or music which were her preferred activities previously, she seemed to be tired most times as most of the time she was on bed, she would do something and would again recede to bed, she spoke less now and whenever she spoke even she seemed to be gloomy of her future.Her words reflected her poor self-esteem and confidence as she would mostly say"she won't be able to be good at this or that whereas earlier she was quite a confident girl. She ate less and slept late. The mother continued "I believe though on bed she sleeps not before 3am or 4 am. And this change I am seeing in her since more than a month I am worried".
Technically the mother's assessment was right ...her daughter had depression as she qualified most of thecriteria for depression diagnosis like low mood, fatigue, decreased interest in activities one used to do along with decreased confidence, pessimism, poor sleep and appetite for more than 2 weeks.
To my second question mother replied her daughter did nothing else than scrolling her smartphone for social networking sites all through the day. I spoke to the girl (the daughter), gave her medications and advised her to restrict her social media use. She was reluctant to cut down her social media use.
I explained that small 6*3 odd inch glass screen may well be the Pandora box for the young lady if she is using it more than four hours.

Very few people acknowledge that social networking sites(SNS)Facebook, Instagram , twitter etc have extremely adverse effect on mind because of three reasons namely comparisons, overload of information and lack of empathy.


Comparison means as we open any social networking site (SNS) our subconscious starts comparing ourselves with the pics of our friends , our friends friends and to anyone whose posts we are liking on face but are jealous inside. The guy or person could even be our ideal or someone we desperately like to be one day..but our subconscious starts saying look this man or woman is more successful than what we are, he is more handsome than what we are, look his/her life is so perfect and ours is a shit..the girl in this picture has such good hair, unblemished face and the sparkle in her eyes , look she has even 2000 likes I diont have (this specially applies to females and students). Even the posts which people make have half the time intention that it should be better than my friend. Any doubt that jealousy can be smelled from the posts. The comparison invariably leads low self-esteem and poor self its always saying my life smile, my achievement, my looks are nothing in comparison to the guy or girl, which leads to poor confidence and depression .


When we open any SNS we inadvertently expose ourselves to huge load of information, an information which we don't necessarily want , which is discrete and unrelated and to add it has an emotional value.If we open SNS we are bound to see some 50 to 100 posts. Each one giving us some information some are about happy things like birthdays some are for losses like deaths, some are anxiety provoking like corona information and some give us anger like how people are breaking lockdown etc. So much information, which is unrelated and has emotions attached, has to be digested and processed. And we are reacting to it, wont it push us for a emotional roller coaster and mind has to be on extra duty to segregate this info and try to assimilate and react to itw. Won't it be exhausted in four hours. And then to add troubles so many negative messages on SNS that they literally project world is likely to end tomorrow. Mind either gets moved by them or has to put an effort get away from them. Thirdly whenever we post something , write something on SNS mind has to be extra cautious that the material fits in the good books of most of the friends in friends list or literally every one . We keep waiting for the likes and comments and mind has to go extra mile to calculate the posts acceptability. How tired it would be. Because it is so tired it literally starts having difficulty in concentration which results in its denial to day any work which requires concentration may it be study or anything else. Since a person can't do the activities well as he was doing earlier his confidence decreases and future appears gloomy over the times.


Third no matter how many likes and comments one gets on posts it fails to give same amount of empathy. Mind needs touch, mind needs eye contact mind needs gestures to feel assured. We can't feel even a percentage of satisfaction by online contact in comparison to what we would feel by real interaction or contact. Thatswhy one feels lonely despite being in group of 100 people.


a) decreases self esteem and confidence
b) it gives negative perspective of outer world
c) negative perspective of future
d) add to it feeling of loneliness and exhaustion it won't be difficult to understand why mind recedes into depression if one uses SNS more than a few hours.

After my explanation the girl reduced her internet use, got engaged in activities though with effort and took medications. Today the mother-daughter duo called and reported more than fifty percent improvement.
Friends such calls and cases are common now a days. There is mammoth rise in number of depression which is spoiling life and careers. SNS over usage (MORE THAN FEW HOURS) is one of the causes of it. We need to be consciously aware of both in our loved ones and ourselves. The social media usage should be restricted and more and more time should be given to hobbies and real interaction.

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